
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Flags and The Hadith


There are two flags in Islam; the first is called Al-Liwaa and serves as the sign for the leader of the Muslim army. It is also the flag of the Islamic State. The other is termed Ar-Raya and is used by the Muslim army. The Liwaa of the Messenger (savw) was a piece of white cloth with the words “La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammadur Rasul Allah”["There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger"] written across it. The Raya of the Messenger (saaw) was a piece of black wool with the words “La Illaha Illa Allah Muhammadur Rasul Allah”["There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger"] also written across it. Therefore, the Liwaa is a white flag with black inscription, and the Raya is a black flag with white inscription. Anas bin Malik (ra) narrated that while the Muslims were fighting the battle of Mu’atah against the Romans, the Messenger (saaw) delivered a Khutbah in Madinah and informed the Muslims there of what had transpired in the battlefield. The Messenger (saaw) informed them that Zayd (ra) had been martyred and that Ja’far (ra) took the Raya (black flag) after him, but that Ja’far (ra) was also martyred so Abdullah Ibn Ruwahah (ra) took the Raya (black flag) from him. Al-Barra’a Ibnu Azeb (ra) was asked about the Messenger’s (saaw) Raya. He said: “It was black, had four corners and was made of wool.” These and other ahadith clearly prove that Muhammad (saaw) had designated a flag for his Ummah. The Messenger of Allah (saaw) conquered and entered Makkah with a Liwaa (white flag)"

The Hadith About Ar Raya

Military Expeditions led by the Prophet (Muhammad) (Al-Maghaazi) Bukhari :: Book 5 :: Volume 59 :: Hadith 561 Narrated Anas:
The Prophet had informed the people of the martyrdom of Zaid, Ja'far and Ibn Rawaha before the news of their death reached. The Prophet said, "Zaid took the flag (as the commander of the army) and was martyred, then Ja'far took it and was martyred, and then Ibn Rawaha took it and was martyred." At that time the Prophet's eyes were shedding tears. He added, "Then the flag was taken by a Sword amongst the Swords of Allah (i.e. Khalid) and Allah made them (i.e. the Muslims) victorious."

Allah Knows Best

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